General index
upThis code, approved and periodically revised by the board of directors of G-squared, dictates the rules of conduct that must apply to all those who, directly or indirectly, permanently or occasionally, establish collaborations or operate in the interests of G-squared Srl and management of company activities. The code is intended, therefore, binding for Employees, Managers, Administrators, External Collaborators, Partners, Suppliers and Customers (hereafter Recipients).
The Code of Ethics adopted by G-squared S.r.l. it is a set of principles and rules whose observance is of fundamental importance for the proper functioning and improvement of the reliability of the company. It represents the "Chart of fundamental rights and duties" through which G-squared:
Defines the values and the general ethical principles that characterize its business activity and the relationships with the Recipients;
Formalizes the commitment to behave on the basis of the ethical principles of moral legitimacy, equity and equality, protection of the person, diligence, transparency, honesty, confidentiality, impartiality, protection of health;
Indicates to the Recipients the principles of behavior, values and responsibilities that require full respect during the provision of work performance;
Indicates to the Recipients the principles of behavior that guarantee the protection of personal data and technical data of which G-squared S.r.l. is made aware.
The adoption of this Code has the primary objective of satisfying, in the best way, the needs and expectations of the interlocutors of G-squared, aiming to recommend and promote a high level of professionalism and to prohibit those behaviors that are in contrast not only with the relevant legislative provisions, but also with the values that G-squared intends to promote.
The individual and collective behavior of the Recipients must therefore be in tune with the company policies and must be translated into concrete collaboration, social responsibility and compliance with current legislation following the standards of behavior identified by the Code of Ethics.
G-squared aims to establish and maintain with the Recipients mutual trust relationships.
constantly checks compliance with the "General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, General Data Protection Regulation - EU Regulation 2016/679)" by the Recipients. G-squared's employees receive appropriate training on the contents of the GDPR and on the methods of application.
G-squared obliges who collaborates with it for any reason to protect all technical, commercial and administrative information relating to the company itself even after the end of the collaboration relationship.
Customers and Partners of G-squared require the company, in the figure of its Legal Representative, to undertake to guarantee the protection and secrecy of all G-squared's collaborators of all the confidential information they come to know in carrying out their work.
The regulatory context, in particular the Legislative Decree 231/01 on the administrative liability of companies for the crimes committed by their representatives, employees and collaborators, has made it essential to codify the principles of legitimacy, loyalty, fairness and transparency, on the basis of which the conduct of all the subjects who find themselves operating in the interests of G-squared.
The Recipients who violate the principles and rules contained in this Code, harm the relationship of trust established with G-squared and respond directly.
G-squared undertakes to distribute to all employees and collaborators a copy of this Code
and to spread its contents and objectives.
All Recipients are required to know the Code of Ethics and to implement its contents.
upThe principles on which the company Code of Ethics is based are as follows:
Ethics: Set up the relationship between person and company on the basis of honesty and respect, putting the common interests before the individual ones. To base business development on respect for man and the environment. Act with transparency towards colleagues, customers and suppliers.
Responsibility: Living your role as protagonists, taking charge of the expected solutions and decisions to be taken with promptness, determination, professionalism and credibility.
Transparency: Express openly and clearly avoiding misunderstandings and exploitation, with the aim of building deep, loyal and long lasting relationships, both inside and outside the company.
Quality: Pursuing excellence, improving and innovating each person's skills for business and personal success. Devote yourself to maximum customer satisfaction.
Commitment: Doing things with passion, sharing the company vision and the objectives of your area of activity.
Giving constant attention to the customer, acknowledging his needs.
Anticipate changes as a continuing challenge to success.
Promote innovative solutions exceeding expectations.
Knowing how to face challenging situations with determination, overcoming the limits
to grasp the opportunities.
Interpret and share change as a lever for business development.
Feeling one big team made by Company, Collaborators, Customers and Suppliers.
Make a contribution to the image and reputation of G-squared. Share the business project,
through the knowledge of strategies and objectives.
Bearing in mind the utmost mutual respect, adopt measured and adequate behaviors,
aimed at generating a positive relationship with the interlocutor.
Be proactive and collaborative with customers and suppliers,
sharing goals and plans in order to meet each other's needs.
Commit to discovering, developing and promoting people's skills.
Listen and give feedback, recognizing the work well done in order to strengthen people's
performance and self-esteem.
To believe in the value of the contribution of others and in their awareness of the value of ours.
Knowing how to put ourselves in doubt, avoid arrogant positions,
accepting dialogue and above all criticism. G-squared refuses any behavior,
even if committed in its favor, that is contrary to the law,
regulations in force or to the lines indicated in the Codes of Law. Due to the specificity of
the sectors in which it operates and the activity carried out,
data and information are an integral part of the company's assets. No confidential information,
acquired or processed by the Recipients in the performance or on the occasion of their activity,
may be used, communicated to third parties or diffused for purposes other than institutional ones.
G-squared establishes that Recipients should refrain from providing or promising to third parties,
sums of money or other benefits in any form or manner, even indirect, to promote or favor the interests
of the company, even if subjected to illicit pressures. They can not accept for themselves or for others
such sums and / or utilities to promote or favor third party interests in relations with G-squared. Customer relations must aim at excellence in the product, service and quality in
accordance with the principles and values previously declined. Relationships with suppliers must be mainly aimed at obtaining the best performances
at the most convenient prices, while respecting the
specificities and free negotiations with the suppliers themselves. G-squared intends to protect the value of fair competition by abstaining from collusive behavior and abuse,
certain that collaboration and comparison are an opportunity to improve their quality standards. G-squared in all business relationships is inspired by the principles of loyalty,
fairness, transparency, efficiency and competition in the market. Shareholders, employees and collaborators, including external ones, whose behaviours may,
even indirectly, be referred to G-squared, must follow correct behaviors in business and
in relations with customers, regardless of the importance of the deal dealt with.
The company work must be carried out with professionalism, reliability, precision, consistency and courtesy.
The company work must be carried out with professionalism, reliability, precision, consistency and courtesy.
.It must be guaranteed a total sharing of knowledge and a constructive environment aimed at mutual group cooperation,
both within the company itself, and open to welcoming new stimuli coming from outside. On the part of each Collaborator must be placed among its main objectives the will to increase
their personal training, acting to gradually increase their knowledge in the workplace and
fully sharing those already acquired. The work must be carried out in a professional and competent manner, with assiduous precision,
education and courtesy, always verifying its work before the delivery of the work done and
possibly with detailed written documentation. If a collaborator is in difficulty, he must promptly report it, in order to have adequate support. Without prejudice to compliance with the rules on free competition, all Recipients are required
to act in such a way as to achieve the best results in the competition.
G-squared undertakes to respect the laws in force on the Copyright. The use of copies and the illegal duplication of software constitutes a crime that can have serious
consequences for the company and / or for the end user. Italian legislation protects software with
appropriate laws, in line with technological developments and with European Union directives,
which provide for criminal and administrative sanctions for those who violate these laws.
Among other things, the current law provides for incisive actions and administrative pecuniary sanctions
for those who purchase non-original software. In these terms and on the basis of current regulations,
G-squared undertakes to always supply original software products, or in authorized copies, especially if
they are third party products, necessary for the completion of a specific solution. These products must
be accompanied by a license for use. If the third-party software components used are integrated into the
solution offered, this must be specifically mentioned.
In marketing campaigns G-squared undertakes to supply only information corresponding to reality and to
operate in compliance with the GDPR. In the context of every daily activity,
G-squared wants to stand out by collecting credibility and appreciation from customers.
Unethical or unlawful behavior would result in damage to the trust relationship for the company with
serious damage to the image, reputation and credibility.
The rules contained in the Code of Ethics integrate the behavior that all Recipients are required to observe,
by virtue of the civil and penal laws in force and the obligations provided for by collective bargaining.
All the subjects that identify or perceive the suspicion that a violation of the Code of Ethics,
a fraud or an illegal act is occurring must promptly report it to the Management through the email
to the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
San Nicolò (PD), 20/5/2018
The President of the board G-SQUARED s.r.l. Via Dell'Oreficeria 32 36100
Vicenza - Italy P.IVA 03448720247 - REA VI-326450
Gifts of significant value are not allowed; if they are of modest value, they must be ascribable only to
acts of reciprocal courtesy in the context of correct business relationships.
The Recipients are forbidden to expose facts that do not correspond to the truth, to omit information or
to hide data in direct or indirect violation of the normative principles and internal procedural rules,
in order to mislead the interlocutors.
Any actions detected contrary to the ethical and behavioral principles defined by this Code must be
promptly reported to the Management.6.RELATIONSHIPS WITH CUSTOMERS
These relationships must be based on principles of mutual transparency and compliance
with the rules of the market and of competition, as well as of current regulations.
Negotiations with customers must take place according to principles of mutual commercial fairness,
good faith and respect for the commitments undertaken.7.RELATIONSHIPS WITH SUPPLIERS
The selection of Suppliers and the negotiation of conditions for the purchase of goods
and services on behalf of G-squared must be carried out transparently and based on
parameters of competitiveness, objectivity, fairness, price, quality (of the good or service),
guarantees offered and, in any case, considering objective parameters of value creation for the company.8.RELATIONSHIPS WITH THE COMPETITORS
It is contrary to the company's policy to have exchanges of information and / or agreements,
with any competitor regarding prices, pricing policies, discounts, promotions, terms of sale,
production costs: G-squared does not in any way restrict or distort the free game of competition.
Any form of agreement, direct or indirect, that is created or put in place with competitors
in order to disturb the trend of public supply tenders is likewise forbidden.
Any employee or collaborator who works in the commercial field is therefore invited to submit
to the Management any doubt or initiative that may fall within the cases sanctioned by the law,
in order to operate in full compliance with the rules.
The violation of the Code of Ethics
damages the relationship of trust established with G-squared.
In cases where it is assessed as a breach of contractual obligations of the employment relationship
or professional collaboration, pursuant to Art. 2104 of the Civil Code, may lead to disciplinary,
legal or criminal actions. In the most serious cases the violation can lead to the termination of the
employment relationship, if committed by the employee, or to the interruption of the relationship, if it is implemented by a collaborator or third party (supplier, etc.).